On July 14, 2024, the New York Times published a video by Doug Mills, Nikolay Nikolov, Rebecca Suner, Alexandra Ostasiewicz and James Surdam entitled “Our Photographer on Capturing the Bullet Streaking Past Trump”. The video included a photograph of Candidate Trump during the purported assassination attempt with the trail of a bullet near the candidate’s head.
The photograph was obviously a fraud - although it was the centerpiece of corporate media coverage of the “assassination attempt”. On August 11, to gain clarity, the following Freedom of Information Act request was made to the Federal Bureau of Investigation:
On July 14, 2024, the New York Times published an article entitled "Photo Appears to Capture Path of Bullet Used in Assassination Attempt". The article is accompanied by a photograph with the caption "An annotated photo showing what appears to be a projectile passing by Donald J. Trump during a rally in Butler, Pa ..." The request is for the version of that photograph that was transmitted by the New York Times to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The request is limited to records received by the Federal Bureau of Investigation no earlier than July 14, 2024 and no later than August 11, 2024.
On November 6, the FBI responded by letter which stated:
Based on the information you provided, we conducted a main entity record search of the Central Records System (CRS) per our standard search policy. However, we were unable to identify records subject to the FOIPA that are responsive to your request.
In other words, the New York Times did not transmit the bullet photograph to the FBI. After all, why would the photograph from a staged assassination attempt be transmitted to the FBI?
Something looks very off on that image. I say this with years of combat experience and as professional combat photographer. In fact, I was the first to call this out as possible fraud. I have never made nor seen any similar photo from combat. I made thousands of combat photographs in countless firefights and sniper operations.
Michael Yon
Thanks for once again demonstrating that bug eyes conspiracy nuts exist just as much on the left as on the far right. What's next for you? Tackle those obviously fake birds we see everywhere? They're actually spy drones.